
Resisting Mosquito Bites: Understanding and Preventing Dengue Fever

Overview of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is an acute viral disease caused by the dengue virus, which belongs to the Flavivirus family. There are four serotypes of the virus (DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4). After infection with one serotype, individuals gain immunity to that specific serotype but have weaker immunity to the others.



Mosquito Bites: The primary transmission occurs through bites from Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, which are active mainly during the daytime, particularly in the early morning and late afternoon.

Mother-to-Child Transmission: In rare cases, the virus can be transmitted to infants through breast milk.

Blood Transmission: The virus can also spread through blood transfusions or organ transplants.


Clinical Symptoms

1. Early Symptoms (typically appear 3-14 days after infection):

   - Sudden high fever (up to 39-40°C)

   - Severe headache

   - Pain behind the eyes

   - Muscle and joint pain (often referred to as "breakbone fever")

   - Fatigue and weakness

   - Nausea and vomiting

   - Rash (generally appears 3-4 days after fever onset)



2. Severe Cases:

   - Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF): Characterized by bleeding tendencies, reduced platelet count, plasma leakage, and may lead to shock.

   - Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS): Results from severe dehydration and blood circulation issues, potentially life-threatening.



-Clinical Assessment: Physicians conduct preliminary evaluations based on symptoms and epidemiological history.

- Laboratory Testing: Blood tests can confirm viral infection, commonly using PCR testing and antibody detection (IgM and IgG).

Sekbio offer a full range of dengue detection materials, including Dengue 1-4 Antigens and Dengue NS1 mAbs for colloidal gold lateral flow tests (LFT). Whether for detection or capture, our products meet your needs, helping to quickly and accurately identify the dengue virus!

Product Highlights:

Dengue  DV

Product Name



Dengue 1  Antigen


Colloidal gold LFT, detection

Dengue 2  Antigen


Colloidal gold LFT, detection

Dengue 3  Antigen


Colloidal gold LFT, detection

Dengue 4  Antigen


Colloidal gold LFT, detection

Dengue NS1 mAb


Colloidal gold LFT, capture

Dengue NS1 mAb


Colloidal gold LFT, capture

Dengue NS1 mAb


Colloidal gold LFT, capture

Dengue NS1 mAb


Colloidal gold LFT, detection

Dengue NS1 mAb


Colloidal gold LFT, capture

Dengue NS1 mAb


Colloidal gold LFT, detection

Dengue NS1 mAb


Colloidal gold LFT, detection

Support public health control efforts with our premium materials for precise dengue detection!



- Supportive Care: Currently, there are no specific antiviral treatments for dengue fever. Treatment focuses on supportive care, including:

  - Adequate fluid replacement to prevent dehydration.

  - Antipyretics (such as acetaminophen) are recommended, while aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided to prevent bleeding.

- Severe Cases may require hospitalization for closer monitoring and more intensive supportive care.


Preventive Measures

1. Eliminating Mosquito Breeding Sites:

   - Regularly remove standing water from containers such as flower pots and trash bins.

   - Check and clean potential water collection points before and after the rainy season.


2. Personal Protection:

   - Use insect repellents containing DEET, wear long-sleeved clothing, and avoid going out during peak mosquito activit(early morning,dusk).

   - Install screens on windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering indoors.


3. Community Awareness:

   - Raise public awareness about dengue fever and its transmission, encouraging community cooperation in eliminating mosquito breeding sites.



Dengue fever is a viral disease with a high incidence rate, making it essential to understand its transmission, clinical symptoms, and preventive measures. During epidemic periods, remaining vigilant and taking effective measures can significantly reduce the risk of infection.
